Bahraini Security Accused of Beating School Girls | UPI & AJE

MANAMA, Bahrain, May 11 (UPI) — Bahraini security forces have kidnapped and beaten teenage schoolgirls, alleged victims charge.

In an interview with al-Jazeera aired Wednesday, a 16-year-old girl calling herself Heba said she and three classmates were seized from their school and beaten severely while held for three days.

An officer “hit and banged me against the wall to scream,” she said. “Since we did not cry out or scream, we were beaten more and more.”

The government did not respond to a request for comment.

The opposition Al Wefaq party charges police have raided up to 15 girls schools, detaining, beating and threatening to rape girls as young as 12. Meanwhile, pro-government MPs charged Wednesday that Shiite employees have been plotting for decades to sabotage the state oil company.

The Gulf Daily News reported lawmakers blamed Energy Minister Abdulhussain Mirza for lax control of Bapco. MP Jassim al-Saeedi charged the plot has been afoot ever since Bapco began promoting into senior posts in 1980.

“Employment, promotion and training was divided among this sect, while those belonging to the other sect (Sunnis) were left out in pain despite being deserving,” he said.

MP Abdulhaleem Murad charged Bapco gave bonuses to striking workers trying to overthrow the monarchy.

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